SCAPI - The Secure Computation API:
SCAPI is an open-source Java library for implementing secure two-party and multiparty computation protocols (SCAPI stands for the "Secure Computation API"). It provides a reliable, efficient, and highly flexible cryptographic infrastructure. The latest release is 2.4.0 and can be found here. Alternately you can simply clone the repository to get the latest and greatest. Please find further information following the link:
PRACTICE Secure Survey Platform:
The URL below links to the PRACTICE Secure Survey Platform website. Several deployments of the platform are available and each set is using a different Secure Computation Engine and is as such isolated from the other.
Sharemind SDK (Developer Zone of Sharemind by Cybernetica):
Sharemind is programmable and efficient secure computing platform for privacy preserving data analysis based on additive secret sharing. Within the Developer Zone of Sharemind, tools for creating privacy-preserving applications and services can be downloaded.
ABY Framework (TU Darmstadt):
ABY is a framework for efficient secure computation based on three different sharing types that can be combined arbitrarily: Arithmetic and Boolean sharing, as well as Yao's garbled circuit. ABY allows for pre-computation, supports several standard operations and provides several example applications.